Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin, Movie, and Smores Party

It started out to be a beautiful, sunny- but-cool, fall day. We decorated the fire pit trees with orange twinkling lights, candles, and jack-o-lanterns. The chilli was steaming hot, the brownies were chewy, the spiced cider was simmering and leaking the scent of apples and cloves in the air. The movie was set up and blankets were thrown about, while a pumpkin carving station waited at the side. The guests had arrived and so had the THUNDER AND LIGHTNING! The rest of the evening was spent inside the garage while the rain poured down outside. Everyone scrambled to move the set up into the garage, and we set it up in no time while the kids carved 16 pumpkins! It turned out to be a fine, fun time anyway!

1 comment:

The Sisco's said...

Looks like you had an amazing neighborhood turnout and a great time with family and friends. Sorry I had to miss it.